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Niche Parfums / Philly & Phil / Philly & Phil Midnight on Maxstreet
Philly & Phil - Midnight on Max street Philly & Phil - Midnight on Max street
Philly & Phil - Midnight on Max street Philly & Phil - Midnight on Max street
Philly & Phil Midnight on Maxstreet
- The Essence of adventure -

Product number


€ 198,00
Price per unit

Stock : 1


"Midnight on Maxstreet" captures the flair of the Maximilianstreets of our world in a unique way - it is the scent of luxury, extraordinary bars, noble accessories, exquisite restaurants and extravagant personalities. “Midnight on Max Street” is the “place-to-be” perfume, a homage to strolling in the dark midnight, while the illuminated shop windows touch the inner longings.
In the base note, “Midnight on Maxstreet” contains oud and vanilla, together they form the sweet and at the same time spicy oriental basis of the perfume. Plum, rose and cinnamon in the middle note give the fragrance a particularly warm and almost soft side, which is perfectly balanced by the freshness of orange and pink berries in the top note. A fragrance that goes perfectly with the pulsating life on the Maximilianstrets of this world and unites its atmosphere incomparably.


nutmeg, saffron
rose, leather
musk, wood

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Boutique Spa
Binnenrotte 121
3011 HB Rotterdam
Tel: 010 321 61 22
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Boutique Spa Binnenrotte 121 3011 HB Rotterdam