De nummer 1 webshop voor niche parfums, cosmetica, home fragrance & body producten
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We are leverden

Founders Helen Lee and So Young Cho share a love of discovery, creativity, and roads less traveled. But it is their passion for curating traditional wellness practices from across the globe that inspired leverden.

Their personal experiences of healing guide their shared path forward — Helen through spiritual journeys at Ayurvedic and shamanistic retreats, and So Young through relaxation therapies after intense athletic training. Avid travelers, they explore places such as Peru, Indonesia and Costa Rica in search of the ingredients ancient cultures used to soothe the spirit and heal the body.

Though former fashion executive Helen lives in New York City and So Young, an accomplished businesswoman in Seoul, they remain best friends, united in their desire to help others discover a place of purity, ritual, and healing within themselves. To leverden, they bring their compassion for all humans on this journey, or just discovering it.

Over ons

Bij Boutique Spa Webshop vind je exclusieve niche-parfums, huisgeuren, huidverzorgingsproducten, make-up en hand- en lichaamsproducten. Bent u ook geïnteresseerd in hoogwaardige behandelingen voor gezicht, lichaam en hand & voeten? Bezoek onze website en boek je favoriete behandeling.


Boutique Spa
Binnenrotte 121
3011 HB Rotterdam
Tel: 010 321 61 22
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