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SkinCare products / SkinCeuticals / SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Masque - 60 ml
SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Masque - 60 ml
SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Masque - 60 ml
SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Mask is a facial mask against impurities, such as pimples and acne. This purifying face mask opens clogged pores and removes excess sebum on the skin....

Product number


€ 70,00

Stock : 1


SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Mask is a facial mask against impurities, such as pimples and acne. This purifying face mask opens clogged pores and removes excess sebum on the skin.

 Purifying face mask
Suitable for acne skin
Opens clogged pores and removes excess sebum
For the face, neck or décolleté

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Boutique Spa Binnenrotte 121 3011 HB Rotterdam